Robotics and Intelligent Systems Laboratory

Distinctive Title RiS–Lab
Re-Established by Government Gazette Issue (FEK) B 4226/30-09-2020

The “Robotics and Intelligent Systems Laboratory” under the distinctive title “RiS-Lab” aims to develop and promote research in the Department of Computer, Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering on issues related to Robotics and Intelligent Systems. For this purpose, the Laboratory undertakes the implementation of funded research programs in partnership with public and private bodies.

The research fields included in the activities of the laboratory are indicatively, the design and development of innovative Robotic Systems, the design of Intelligent Automatic Control Systems, the design and development of Embedded Systems and specialized hardware, the study of autonomous vehicles and the development of computational intelligence algorithms.


PhD Candidates

  • Georgios Karalekas, «Teaching Machine Learning concepts through Educational Robotics», starting year 2020
  • Panteleimon Stamatakis, «Accelerated structure computation from motion, using FPGA, for robot vision applications», starting year 2023
  • Georgios Koutsoudakis, «Development of intelligent techniques for predictive maintenance and optimisation of the production process», starting year 2020
  • Zafeirios Georgiadis, «Implementation of evolutionary computing algorithms on reconfigurable hardware», starting year 2023
  • Tzatzakis Christos, «Exploiting biomedical data in the development of machine learning-based emotion recognition methods», starting year 2023

Educational workshops under the responsibility of the Laboratory

  • Analog Circuits Laboratory
  • Laboratory of Automatic Control and Robotics
  • Digital Systems Laboratory
  • Digital Design and Multimedia Laboratory
  • Computer Architecture Laboratory
  • Operating Systems Laboratory

Undergraduate courses under the responsibility of the Laboratory

  • Logic Design
  • Electric Circuits
  • Digital Circuits
  • Computer Architecture
  • Analog Electronics
  • Advanced Digital Systems
  • Microcontroller Programming
  • Green Energy Technologies
  • Microelectronics and VLSI Design
  • Electrical Machines and Power Eletronics
  • Intelligent Electric Energy Systems
  • Evolutionary Computation
  • Automatic and Intelligent Control Systems
  • Introduction to Robotics
  • Multimedia Systems
  • Fuzzy Systems
  • Operating Systems

MSc courses under the responsibility of the Laboratory

  • Introduction to Robotics and Automation
  • Design and Simulation of Robotic Systems
  • Embedded Systems
  • Robotic Vision
  • Autonomous Mobile Robots
  • High Performance Computing (FPGAs, DSPs, GPUs)
  • Machine Intelligence
  • Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics

Collaborations of the Laboratory

The Laboratory collaborates with companies, such as KENOTOM and DEPPIA, active in the field of automotive automation and machine vision.

Publications of the last five years by members of the Laboratory

Publications in international peer-reviewed journals

  1. John Kalomiros, John Vourvoulakis and Stavros Vologiannidis, A Hardware Accelerator for the Semi_Global Matching Stereo Algorithm, ACM Transactions on Reconfig. Technol. Syst., in press, 2024.
  2. Karapalidou, N. Alexandris, E. Antoniou, S. Vologiannidis, J. Kalomiros, Implementation of a Sequence-to-Sequence Stacked Sparse Long Short-Term Memory Autoencoder for Anomaly Detection on Multivariate Timeseries Data of Industrial Blower Ball, Sensors 23, (14), 6502, 2023.
  3. Antoniou, I. Kafetzis, S. Vologiannidis, A Review of Linearization methods for Polynomial Matrices and their Application, Analysis, geometry, Nonlinear optimization and Applications, 2023, pp. 157-188.
  4. Karalekas, S. Vologiannidis, J. Kalomiros, Teaching Machine Learning in K-12 Using Robotics, Education Sciences 13 (1), 67, 2023.
  5. Nikolaidis, What is significand in Modern Augmented Reality: A Systematic Analysis of Existing Reviews, Journal of Imaging 8 (5), 145, 2022.
  6. Karalekas, S. Vologiannidis, J. Kalomiros, Europa: A case study for teaching sensors, data acquisition and robotics via a ROS-based educational robot, Sensors 20 (9), 2469, 2020.
  7. Vourvoulakis, J. Kalomiros, J. Lygouras, FPGA-based Architecture of a Real-Time SIFT Matcher and RANSAC Algorithm for Robotic Vision Applications, Multimedia Tools and Applications 77, 2018, pp. 9393-9415.

Publications in proceedings of international conferences with referees

  1. John Kalomiros, John Vourvoulakis and Stavros Vologiannidis, A testbench for stereo-processing acceleration based on PYNQ and the StereoPi, 12th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems, Dortmund, Germany, 7-9 September 2023.
  2. John Kalomiros, John Vourvoulakis and S. Vologiannidis, A Hardware Accelerator for the Semi_Global Matching Stereo Algorithm, 33rd International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), Gothenburg, Sweden, 4-8 September 2023.
  3. Kokotis and J. Vourvoulakis, Acceleration of Image Processing Algorithms based on a Single Board Computer and FPGA Co-design, 11th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), Bremen, Germany, 8-10 June 2022.
  4. Kalomiros, J. Vourvoulakis and S. Vologiannidis, A Workflow for designing Video processing Pipelines with PYNQ, 11th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (IDAACS), Cracow, Poland, 22-25 September 2021.
  5. Kalomiros and J. Vourvoulakis, The Robin Sift Core: A Pradigm for Studying VHDL and Computer Architecture, 11th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), Bremen, Germany, 8-10 June 2022.
  6. Vourvoulakis and L. Bilalis, Real-Time Pulse Oximetry Extraction Using a Lightweight Algorithm and a Tasl Pipeline Scheme, 10th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), Thessaloniki, Greece, 5-7 July 2021.
  7. Kalomiros and S. Stavrinides, Chaotic Map Synchronization by Common-Mode Truncation Pulses for Secure Communications, 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (IDAACS), Metz, France, 18-21 September 2019.
  8. Karalekas, S. Vologiannidis and J. Kalomiros, Europa: A ROS-based Open Platform for Educational Robotics, 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (IDAACS), Metz, France, 18-21 September 2019.