Research & Research Groups

 Laboratory Spaces and Equipment
The Department has an excellent teaching, laboratory and research infrastructure. Since its foundation, it has been operating in the privately owned campus of IHU in Serres (formerly T.E.I. of Central Macedonia), covering an area of 25 hectares, located  southeast of the town of Serres, in modern building facilities and a beautiful surrounding area.

The total surface area of the 17 teaching laboratories exceeds 1,200 square meters, while the 4 research laboratories occupy an area of at least 300 square meters.
Since its establishment, the Department has absorbed sufficient funds from state and European grants to equip its premises. In addition to the equipment for the daily laboratory practice of students, such as computer systems, development circuits, laboratory benches, measuring instruments, specialized software and teaching aids, the Department today can also boast of its research infrastructure. With investments exceeding 1,000,000 € all the above are currently in operation in the research and educational laboratories of the Department.

The equipment is installed in the 17 training laboratories and 3 other laboratory spaces of mainly research use, which are:
•    Database Laboratory
•    Programming Laboratory A
•    Programming Laboratory B
•    Software Technology Laboratory
•    Digital Processing Laboratory
•    Computer Network Technology and Security Laboratory
•    Telecommunications Laboratory
•    Mobile Communications Laboratory
•    Microwave Technology Laboratory
•    Laboratory of Telecommunication Systems
•    Physics Laboratory
•    Analog Circuits Laboratory
•    Computer Architecture Laboratory
•    Laboratory of Automatic Control and Robotics
•    Operating Systems Laboratory
•    Digital Design and Multimedia Laboratory
•    Digital Systems Laboratory
•    Software Engineering and Algorithms Research Laboratory
•    Telecommunications and Networks Research Laboratory
•    Computer Architecture and Industrial Applications Research Laboratory

Teaching Classrooms
Teaching facilities  occupy  at least  500 square meters including four (4) classrooms and auditoria. Additionally, there are 500 square meters of storage space and 400 square meters of faculty/staff offices, a conference room and a postgraduate office.

The Department promotes new methods of teaching and distance learning, with the use of specialized software and equipment. For a large percentage of the Department’s courses, electronic learning materials are offered, available through the course websites and the distance learning environment ( Extensive self-assessment and preparation materials for course examinations are also included.
In addition, it is mentioned that a large proportion of the laboratory part of the course uses simulation software that allows students to carry out part of the laboratory assignments even outside the laboratory.

Institutional Research Laboratories
The Department features four (4) Institutionalized Laboratories:
•    Informatics Laboratory under the subtitle “IT-Lab”, re-established by the Government Gazette 4035/B/21-9-2020
•    Telecommunications and New Technologies Laboratory under the distinctive title ‘TNT-Lab’, re-established by Government Gazette 4337/B/5-10-2020
•    Robotics & Intelligent Systems Laboratory under the subtitle ‘RiS-Lab’, re-established by Government Gazette 4226/B΄/30-9-2020.
•    Security and Networking Laboratory under the subtitle ‘SECNETLab’, established by Government Gazette 4288/B/2-10-2020.

The Curriculum of the Department is characterized by providing laboratory practice for about 75% of its courses. This fact emphasizes the laboratory practice of students which is consistent with the engineering studies offered.